Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sunchips, Harvest Cheddar flavor

Goodness gracious what a week.. half week, whatever
Finished up classes and already have a nice decent amount of homework expected by Monday ha
Today I went with some girls up to Madison and Ridgeland, both cities of which are very unfamiliar to me; bought an awesome yellow scarf and a green "alligator" watch = rockin awesome! (especially since I don't usually wear watches, at all, and wouldn't, but I'll wear this one..) AND THEN we came back and chilled. Changed out of our cute clothes and sported some Nike shorts and t-shirts =) Went to Taco Bell for dinner, got a 5-layer and grilled steak taquitos, as always, and made a Walgreens run for ice cream and sunchips!! Came back to the dorm and with 3 other ladies watched Made of Honor, mlehh, ate mah ice cream and beefed some sunchips, and finally started getting homesick. Which I would have called everyone in my house if it wasn't so late. My little sister successfully threw a legit surprise party, my little brother placed second in a Jiu Jitsu tournament, and the rest of my family, I'm not sure. But I do know I miss them, and my friends, wayyy too much. I'm uber happy I get to come home next weekend for Labor Day and see everybody!


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