Monday, August 23, 2010

MiSsIsSiPpI cOlLeGe

I have officially moved into my dorm and what not at MC, and am loving every second of it! The move-in day was a bit overwhelming, but I got through it and I'm glad my parents were here to help me move in and set up everything (thanks mom) and we all cried when they left. I had allllll of my sisters give me tearful goodbyes, and that was probably the hardest goodbyes I've ever had to give =/
Saturday was spent in tears with my roommate and getting our room situated, and trying to meet other freshman in the same situation and eating in the Caf and getting into a Welcome Group with girls on the same floor as me and guys from a random dorm.. ha
Sunday morning I went with my roommate and her boyfriend to First Baptist Jackson and oh my word, that church was HUGE! It was almost as big as Bellevue, if not bigger... and the college ministry was as big as the big church at Faith. Whew. Afterwards we went to a mexican restaurant, where the service was terrible but the shrimp chimichangas were terrific =) then we came back to the dorm and took naps and showers.. =]]] THEN there was a picnic on the Quad with a mini worship service afterwards, where I saw a friend from J-Creek and met his twin.. (?!?) and then my roommate and I, the girls across the hall, and friends from Memphis hung out and met alot of random fun freshman and they were some cool ones and some weird ones... haha then just hung out with mah girls the rest of the night
TODAY I skipped my Welcome Week group and went to a 6 hour hoir rehearsal. Honestly, some of the warm-ups we did tickled me just because they were a bit ridiculous, but these people were dead serious.. ha. So we started singing and I was legit surprised at how good we sounded haha call me humble but daggum we were awesome! After sitting in that room for too long of a time period, and without air conditioning, I went back to my dorm room with a fat headache and a hungry stomach. But a bottle of water, a nutri-grain bar, and a skype call with my cousin later made me feel awesome. After all that, most all of the freshman went out to the lake and had a hamburger/hotdog cookout playing ninja and getting to know even MORE people! There was also a big ferry boat thing that took 3 trips around the lake; our group was on the 3rd trip which was probably the best one, the sun was no longer shining and there was a nice breeze on the top deck =) Watched a bunch of .. for lack of a better word, "eehn-teh-ress-teeng", dance.. but they weren't really dancing, at all. They just looked retarded to me.. hahaha at least we all got a good laugh out of it. Hit up Wal-mart (for like the 4th time) with my girls and we were there for like an hour getting snacks like grapes and candy and bandaids and random other necessities, we had so much fun!

With all that being said, I'm really having a blast here, I might freak when classes start because I'll be so overwhelmed with music, but I;ll be loving every second of it too ;D and I'm really getting to know these 5 girls in the rooms around me and I can definitely see some lifelong friendships blossoming.

-sigh- So yeah, this is the life of an MC freshman so far, hope you enjoy it and I'll try to post more often.. yeah!

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