Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What a dayy... :-)

I have wonderful friends, and they feel even more real and precious to me since I've been sharing with them what God as taught me and they've been listening and sharing right back! Nothing is more thrilling at the moment to get excited about God and what He's doing and what He's yet to do in our lives, I can't wait.

I enjoyed my yesterday hangin with mah gals at O'Charlie's (if you've never eaten there, go fall in a ditch) helped give a group pep talk to someone I look up to as a big sister, spent the night at Sarah's house, (OH and helped her color her hair earlier that day... and I STILL have dye on my hands =p) went to work; I always forget how much I miss my kids until I see them again and they spazz out and tackle me with hugs and kisses :)))) came home to a house without power, ate some REAL good macaroni and cheese (props to liv) and then enjoyed the last couple hours of my night with some of my favorite brothers, and we enjoyed them by NOT watching 2012, but by drinking NOS, eating bagel bites, listening to weird songs on iTunes, and having Dex paints my toenails a "Flashy Fuchsia" and I doing the same for him. The first to flaunt them in public? Yet to come :D

Hope you enjoyed my schpeel about my past two days.. and if you didn't, at least I had fun writing about them so HA!

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