Monday, October 25, 2010

the weekend is cominggggg

HI again, I'm here, I'm still alive
My past weekend was a Singer's retreat and I wouldn't change it for the world. So many relationships were built that wouldn't have normally been built otherwise, and there was such a spiritual note on the whole weekend that it shocked me, but in a good way :)
The only bad thing about that weekend is Saturday night my phone fell through a crack in the dock straight into the lake, so Kendall's phone is no more.
I also found out Saturday that I can't take anybody to the Laguna formal in December, nonetheless take anybody, BECAUSE the Festival of Lights (one of the biggest things EVER at MC) is performing that night so I can't go, there ain't no way. So the guy I had already asked I had to tell him that we couldn't go, but we planned a weekend for Memphis in November anyway :D
Got a lot of homework done tonight, which I kind of surprised myself ha, and I'm anxiously awaiting the weekend where I can coem home and see my awesome family who sent me a package full of wonderful things and hilarious letters!
Tomorrow Singers is headed out again to go sing at a couple of colleges and high schools, which that'll be fun, more quality time with nothing but hardcore music majors
Now I'm going to finish my laundry and head to bed so I won't die from lack of sleep in the morning

Saturday, October 9, 2010


My word, these past couple of weeks have been CRAZY busy! Let's bullet point our way thru it ;-)
*Got a cold Labor Day weekend... and still have it :P
*Got 2 Italian songs assigned
*Gained another piano song
*Follies practice domineering my night schedule
*Went home a week early and surprised EVERYONE! Love love loved =)
*Got homesick coming back
*Was busy with tons of music
*Memorized 2 songs in Singers and owned some face on Rytmus
*Came home for fall break and was busy sleeping, eating, hanging with friends, rinsing and repeating
*Came back and only had a 3 day week, which was SUPER long!
*Got behind on homework when I chose to have a paint war with my sisters
*Got caught up on my homework the next day =]]]
*Had an awesome piano and voice lesson
*Got to experience a date night with Laguna's beaux, and loved it <333
*Had a ballin shot callin Follies practice
*Am currently doing laundry, still procrastinating on shaving my legs, might go to the fair tonight.. might, sitting idly on Facebook, and am gonna finish my Follies outfit tonight.

The end
haha after Friday I'll be able to write more, promise