my weekend has been one of the longest since I can remember and one that I will never forget. Rush skits started Friday night and they were the Swannanoa tribe and the Laguna tribe, and these skits were ballin! The Laguna skit made me reeeeeaaaaallly want to join Laguna's tribe... -sigh- but I don't know! Haha we had to dress up for each of these skits; the first one the dress code was masquerade ball attire and the second one was either out favorite plant or a school supply.
The next night were Nenamoosha's and Kissimee's tribe skits and those were both super cute :D Their dress code for the first skit was either your favorite super hero or a cat and the second one was a redneck.
How they came up with these ideas I don't really want to know, but whatever.
Saturday morning part of our Rush experience was to go out in Caden and Jackson and do service projects. This part alone made me super excited that I'm a part of a Christian school, for what other schools involve community service as part of Rush?? Anyway my group and a couple others went down to the ghetto part of Jackson, and it was rough. Nothing in my mind could have prepared me for what I was going to experience there, at all. We were led by 3 women who worked and lived down there who provided church services, food, clothes, and friendships with as much of the neighborhood as they could. We had projects to work on but out of the blue the main leader said, "You know what? I think the Lord wants us to go on a prayer walk today." So we did. We got in a huge circle and prayed first and I could feel Jesus there, like I haven't felt Him this real in a long time. We walked around almost the whole ghetto part passing caves, drug lord's houses, pimp's houses, abandoned houses, and waving to every single person we saw. In my right mind I would have been scared out of my wits and wanted to go home, but walking through those streets I never felt more protected. I could literally feel God all around us covering us in His glory and safety. We walked around for 3 hours and heat and we were all starving and none of us wanted to go home. But as 1230 rolled around we walked back to where our cars were parked and got a mini-sermon from a woman named Amy Lancaster. Amazing woman if I ever saw one and she gave us one of the greatest, most in-your-face messages I had heard in a long time. To be honest it was better than any church service I had been to all year. Me and a good number of other teens are gonna start going there on Sundays for their church services at 3pm just to help as much as we can and get involved with out community. And seeing things from their point of view really made me wonder about how I wear my Christianity. A lot of folks down there said they couldn't go to churches because they smelled bad or they got kicked out because they weren't dressed right. Do our churches really care that much about appearance? It was an intense morning that caused a lot of heartache and tears, but I am so ready to go back there and help =) and there's a website if you want to check it out it's wewillgo.org
Last night was our first MC football home game and as another part of Rush we were required to go to it as well as the tailgating party before. Don't get me wrong, it had fun parts but sitting out there in the heat with a mandatory requirement of your attendance and wearing the colors blue and gold didn't thrill me as much as it could.
This morning we went to First Baptist Church in Jackson again, I'm starting to like it more but I still feel at home and where I belong at Faith. Tonight I'm practicing piano, cleaning up the room with endless Clorox wipes and a vacuum and then working on some Music Tech homework (which I know I won't like doing.) Eating in the Caf later and then having another girls night with my awesome roommate and across-the-hall-mates. God really worked wonders on the rooming thing because me and my roommate have the same preferences and night-time routines, and my across-the-hall-mates are super nice and always wanting us to come in their room and hang out. I think the 6 of us are going to become really close over these next four years, and I can't wait =]]]
The next night were Nenamoosha's and Kissimee's tribe skits and those were both super cute :D Their dress code for the first skit was either your favorite super hero or a cat and the second one was a redneck.
How they came up with these ideas I don't really want to know, but whatever.
Saturday morning part of our Rush experience was to go out in Caden and Jackson and do service projects. This part alone made me super excited that I'm a part of a Christian school, for what other schools involve community service as part of Rush?? Anyway my group and a couple others went down to the ghetto part of Jackson, and it was rough. Nothing in my mind could have prepared me for what I was going to experience there, at all. We were led by 3 women who worked and lived down there who provided church services, food, clothes, and friendships with as much of the neighborhood as they could. We had projects to work on but out of the blue the main leader said, "You know what? I think the Lord wants us to go on a prayer walk today." So we did. We got in a huge circle and prayed first and I could feel Jesus there, like I haven't felt Him this real in a long time. We walked around almost the whole ghetto part passing caves, drug lord's houses, pimp's houses, abandoned houses, and waving to every single person we saw. In my right mind I would have been scared out of my wits and wanted to go home, but walking through those streets I never felt more protected. I could literally feel God all around us covering us in His glory and safety. We walked around for 3 hours and heat and we were all starving and none of us wanted to go home. But as 1230 rolled around we walked back to where our cars were parked and got a mini-sermon from a woman named Amy Lancaster. Amazing woman if I ever saw one and she gave us one of the greatest, most in-your-face messages I had heard in a long time. To be honest it was better than any church service I had been to all year. Me and a good number of other teens are gonna start going there on Sundays for their church services at 3pm just to help as much as we can and get involved with out community. And seeing things from their point of view really made me wonder about how I wear my Christianity. A lot of folks down there said they couldn't go to churches because they smelled bad or they got kicked out because they weren't dressed right. Do our churches really care that much about appearance? It was an intense morning that caused a lot of heartache and tears, but I am so ready to go back there and help =) and there's a website if you want to check it out it's wewillgo.org
Last night was our first MC football home game and as another part of Rush we were required to go to it as well as the tailgating party before. Don't get me wrong, it had fun parts but sitting out there in the heat with a mandatory requirement of your attendance and wearing the colors blue and gold didn't thrill me as much as it could.
This morning we went to First Baptist Church in Jackson again, I'm starting to like it more but I still feel at home and where I belong at Faith. Tonight I'm practicing piano, cleaning up the room with endless Clorox wipes and a vacuum and then working on some Music Tech homework (which I know I won't like doing.) Eating in the Caf later and then having another girls night with my awesome roommate and across-the-hall-mates. God really worked wonders on the rooming thing because me and my roommate have the same preferences and night-time routines, and my across-the-hall-mates are super nice and always wanting us to come in their room and hang out. I think the 6 of us are going to become really close over these next four years, and I can't wait =]]]
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