I'll write about my weekend and week so far I promise, but for right now I'm going to bed.
This was just an update to let you know I was still alive.
So you don't have to worry anymore.
So as I shove the rest of my soft taco into my mouth I say goodnight!
I'm gonna write on this because I think it'd be fun... and weird, and hopefully it will provide some common ground with other people to help better my testimony
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
SO I got into the Laguna tribe... it was wonderful :)) We had a picnic with all our tribe sisters and then went on a huge photo scavenger hunt (that was interesting). Later on that night before we all went bowling, well, I went out on the roof and sang Don't Stop Believin Glee style, and I belted it (sorry Liv for taking your number one off your bucket list haha); and I didn't bowl because I forgot socks and it was kind of a ghetto bowling lane place which was overrun by middle schoolers. Yeah. Stayed up late with Laurie helping her set up a skype, skyping with Tori, glancing over some homework, and finally crawling into Shelby's bed at 130.
(P.s. thanks Shelbs for letting me use your bed while you were gone)
My Sunday morning, I slept in, kept waking up on and off, went to my room and slept for another hour, took a shower and hit the practice room for a good hour and a half or two. Came back and did nothing till dinner and had a Follies meeting at 9. Now Follies, which I found out all about last night, is a huge dance/skit competition between all freshman and transfers who are pledging. So almost 200 girls and 200 guys, split up into 8 groups, getting 10 minutes of stage time, battling it out to come out the winner. The tribe leaders told me that girls had NEVER placed in Follies competition's until last year.. and it was Laguna, so in their words, "We're kind of a big deal," and I'm pumped to try and fill their shoes.
Today classes came back in full swing with test results. 3 A's and 2 B's, not bad, but I want all A's daggum it. I'll work on it. I'm just glad none of my classes are super hard or require hardcore studying time (like my roommate's classes!) went to a practice room, sang and screamed in my voice lesson, which I do love that class and my teacher oh so much, and to top it off had an easy assignment with Music Tech and am ready to get some homework knocked out. Had a little bit of down time this afternoon, and when I say little I mean like 2 hours or so, then it was dinner time, back to the room, had Laguna homework, yeah that's right, and then Follies practice from 9-11. We're bringing the heat, and sweating it too. Beef.
Anyway, God is still God and He is still good no matter what. I had an amazing quiet time out on the roof yesterday when I got done singing, I listened to Everything by Lifehouse and just stared at the sky singing the lyrics, "How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?"
So many times I take God and Creation and his good and perfect work for granted; I'm no longer being moved and that isn't right. My heart should constantly be in motion, beating with God's awesomeness and life and I should be sharing it with others. I hate that I haven't really been doing that here so far, but I'm ready to start.
This week is gonna be tough, I can feel it. But Parents Weekend is this weekend and since my parents aren't coming up I might just go home with Laurie and hang out with familia, who knows? :)
And now, I bid you adieu, because I'm freakin tired. Gnight.
(P.s. thanks Shelbs for letting me use your bed while you were gone)
My Sunday morning, I slept in, kept waking up on and off, went to my room and slept for another hour, took a shower and hit the practice room for a good hour and a half or two. Came back and did nothing till dinner and had a Follies meeting at 9. Now Follies, which I found out all about last night, is a huge dance/skit competition between all freshman and transfers who are pledging. So almost 200 girls and 200 guys, split up into 8 groups, getting 10 minutes of stage time, battling it out to come out the winner. The tribe leaders told me that girls had NEVER placed in Follies competition's until last year.. and it was Laguna, so in their words, "We're kind of a big deal," and I'm pumped to try and fill their shoes.
Today classes came back in full swing with test results. 3 A's and 2 B's, not bad, but I want all A's daggum it. I'll work on it. I'm just glad none of my classes are super hard or require hardcore studying time (like my roommate's classes!) went to a practice room, sang and screamed in my voice lesson, which I do love that class and my teacher oh so much, and to top it off had an easy assignment with Music Tech and am ready to get some homework knocked out. Had a little bit of down time this afternoon, and when I say little I mean like 2 hours or so, then it was dinner time, back to the room, had Laguna homework, yeah that's right, and then Follies practice from 9-11. We're bringing the heat, and sweating it too. Beef.
Anyway, God is still God and He is still good no matter what. I had an amazing quiet time out on the roof yesterday when I got done singing, I listened to Everything by Lifehouse and just stared at the sky singing the lyrics, "How can I stand here with You and not be moved by You?"
So many times I take God and Creation and his good and perfect work for granted; I'm no longer being moved and that isn't right. My heart should constantly be in motion, beating with God's awesomeness and life and I should be sharing it with others. I hate that I haven't really been doing that here so far, but I'm ready to start.
This week is gonna be tough, I can feel it. But Parents Weekend is this weekend and since my parents aren't coming up I might just go home with Laurie and hang out with familia, who knows? :)
And now, I bid you adieu, because I'm freakin tired. Gnight.
Friday, September 17, 2010
OT Test
Today was a one of a kind day that I don't think I'd like repeating... well, I'm still not sure yet.
Woke up at 645 as usual and ate breakfast in the Caf with my roomie, went to Diction (I love that class), went to Theory and Dr. Meadors came in and surprised us with a pop quiz on key signatures (and I got the A major key signature right and when he asked for the parallel I kinda freaked out. It's A minor just in case you didn't know), went to Old Testament afterwards and we had our first test on Genesis-Deuteronomy. 50 multiple choice questions. I think maximum I got 5 wrong. Guess we'll find out on Monday. Other than that ever homework assignment I've turned in and quiz and test I've taken I've gotten A's on. It excites me =]]]
After my test in OT I went to Jazzman's for a Sprite and some chillax time, which was well spent with Kirk talking about music and things that college will possibly bring; had lunch right after with Shane and Kirk and a guy named Seth (who also knew a homeschooled family with 10 kids in it, cept they were weird. He applauded me on my normal-ness hehe) then went back to my room and took a nice hour and a half long nap :D Came back to the Caf to turn in my Pref card and in order of importance: Laguna, Swannanoa, Kissimee, and Nenamoosha. I'm reeeeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy hoping I get Laguna BECAUSE almost every girl I met there was somebody I could see myself easily being friends with and they kinda reminded me of me and my sister when we get crazy-awesome together (and yes, that is one word). Met Laurie's little sister Lee who's coming here next fall and can't wait for it and she'll be a music major like me! Went to Kroger with Shane to get some laundry detergent because I think I left mine in the laundry room and somebody stole it.. psh. I got me some of those sheet things that you can use for soap, a dryer sheet, and a static guard, or something of that sort. Ate dinner and then Laurie, Meagan, Lorin and I went to the movies to see Easy A. It was an alright movie, there were definitely retarded parts, like maybe the whole movie, but the cute parts were really cute.
As of right now, I'm in the laundry room, sitting on top of about 3 washers with my Mac in my lap and my earbuds in jammin away cause no one else is in here (=D) and when I'm done I'll go back to my room, snack on a little somethin, and take a shower. Why are you taking a shower at night you may ask? Here's why: tomorrow is "Squeal Day" where girls from your future tribe come into your room, take you with them to a secret room and reveal to you what tribe you'll be in. This is all before the 9am hour, which sucks. And they did tell us to sleep in our shirts, brush our teeth the night before (which I will anyway, duh) and be ready. Code for: you won't have time to do squat when we come to your room to get you. Mmmm. This excites me. :-p I mean I am excited about the tribes and where God wants me to go, but 9am?? FORREAL?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!??!?!??!
I'll let you know how it goes
Woke up at 645 as usual and ate breakfast in the Caf with my roomie, went to Diction (I love that class), went to Theory and Dr. Meadors came in and surprised us with a pop quiz on key signatures (and I got the A major key signature right and when he asked for the parallel I kinda freaked out. It's A minor just in case you didn't know), went to Old Testament afterwards and we had our first test on Genesis-Deuteronomy. 50 multiple choice questions. I think maximum I got 5 wrong. Guess we'll find out on Monday. Other than that ever homework assignment I've turned in and quiz and test I've taken I've gotten A's on. It excites me =]]]
After my test in OT I went to Jazzman's for a Sprite and some chillax time, which was well spent with Kirk talking about music and things that college will possibly bring; had lunch right after with Shane and Kirk and a guy named Seth (who also knew a homeschooled family with 10 kids in it, cept they were weird. He applauded me on my normal-ness hehe) then went back to my room and took a nice hour and a half long nap :D Came back to the Caf to turn in my Pref card and in order of importance: Laguna, Swannanoa, Kissimee, and Nenamoosha. I'm reeeeeeeeaaaaalllllyyyy hoping I get Laguna BECAUSE almost every girl I met there was somebody I could see myself easily being friends with and they kinda reminded me of me and my sister when we get crazy-awesome together (and yes, that is one word). Met Laurie's little sister Lee who's coming here next fall and can't wait for it and she'll be a music major like me! Went to Kroger with Shane to get some laundry detergent because I think I left mine in the laundry room and somebody stole it.. psh. I got me some of those sheet things that you can use for soap, a dryer sheet, and a static guard, or something of that sort. Ate dinner and then Laurie, Meagan, Lorin and I went to the movies to see Easy A. It was an alright movie, there were definitely retarded parts, like maybe the whole movie, but the cute parts were really cute.
As of right now, I'm in the laundry room, sitting on top of about 3 washers with my Mac in my lap and my earbuds in jammin away cause no one else is in here (=D) and when I'm done I'll go back to my room, snack on a little somethin, and take a shower. Why are you taking a shower at night you may ask? Here's why: tomorrow is "Squeal Day" where girls from your future tribe come into your room, take you with them to a secret room and reveal to you what tribe you'll be in. This is all before the 9am hour, which sucks. And they did tell us to sleep in our shirts, brush our teeth the night before (which I will anyway, duh) and be ready. Code for: you won't have time to do squat when we come to your room to get you. Mmmm. This excites me. :-p I mean I am excited about the tribes and where God wants me to go, but 9am?? FORREAL?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!??!?!??!
I'll let you know how it goes
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Laguna Tribe
Whewee I'm so tired! Is it really only Thursday? It is? Oh.. okay... dang it. :-p
My week has seemed to take forever to play out but it's almost over which excites me greatly. I had a test in Ear Training and Keyboard today (only on the Ear Training part though) and mamma made a 98 =]]] Yeyuhhhh
I have a test in Old Testament tomorrow and I'm only semi stressing about it... Studying is not really something I'm used to. Guess I'll have to change that habit! Had a voice lesson Monday and Wednesday and Wednesday I had an accompanist; it's interesting for me.. my voice teacher wants me to sing differently than I've ever sung, and high. Kendall doesn't like that fact. Piano lessons are also interesting; my teacher is making me re-learn my scales, arpeggios, fingering, and the almost the very basics of every foundation of everything piano. Both of these things keep me in the practice room about 2+ hours every day. I mean I still love my music, but this is intense. =)
I started missing my kids from my preschool yesterday.. it makes me sad because when I finally do get to go back and stop by or start working again, they'll be even more grown up than when I left them! Same with my little sisters and Scooby! They're at home doing all this fun cute stuff that I'm missing and they're growing up learning new things and I'm over here in a different state not being able to see them!
-sigh- Anyway, I'm loving the friends I've already made, like legitimately. They all make me smile and brighten my day, and I love going into the Caf without my roommates and being able to find some of my friends and going to sit with them, do homework with them, go to Wal-mart, and just have fun hanging out with them. I really do love it. Andddd..... yeah that's all I have to say because I forgot everything else.
K bye
My week has seemed to take forever to play out but it's almost over which excites me greatly. I had a test in Ear Training and Keyboard today (only on the Ear Training part though) and mamma made a 98 =]]] Yeyuhhhh
I have a test in Old Testament tomorrow and I'm only semi stressing about it... Studying is not really something I'm used to. Guess I'll have to change that habit! Had a voice lesson Monday and Wednesday and Wednesday I had an accompanist; it's interesting for me.. my voice teacher wants me to sing differently than I've ever sung, and high. Kendall doesn't like that fact. Piano lessons are also interesting; my teacher is making me re-learn my scales, arpeggios, fingering, and the almost the very basics of every foundation of everything piano. Both of these things keep me in the practice room about 2+ hours every day. I mean I still love my music, but this is intense. =)
I started missing my kids from my preschool yesterday.. it makes me sad because when I finally do get to go back and stop by or start working again, they'll be even more grown up than when I left them! Same with my little sisters and Scooby! They're at home doing all this fun cute stuff that I'm missing and they're growing up learning new things and I'm over here in a different state not being able to see them!
-sigh- Anyway, I'm loving the friends I've already made, like legitimately. They all make me smile and brighten my day, and I love going into the Caf without my roommates and being able to find some of my friends and going to sit with them, do homework with them, go to Wal-mart, and just have fun hanging out with them. I really do love it. Andddd..... yeah that's all I have to say because I forgot everything else.
K bye
Monday, September 13, 2010
church choir
Yeah, that's right. I went to a church choir last night, I remember why I loved it and I finally got to sing alto for the first time since I moved here!! While it may have been a 2 hour choir practice of tired college students, God definitely showed up. My weekend has been so God filled it's mind-blowing. I'm so glad I go to a Christian college where God is an important part of activities, lesson plans, and social scenes.
Today being Monday is just a day asking to be hated, especially since I was up in the wee hours of the wee hours of the morning (well, not too wee) doing pointless. BUT I don't think I've felt so rejuvenated and energized since I've been here. I think God had a lot to do with it, and a lot of my friends have positive influences on me it just rubbed off that way! Allllllll day I've had the energy of a 7 year old and I know I'm gonna crash tonight but it's whatever; I'm livin it up!
Talked to my sister today, haven't legitly talked to her on the phone since I left, and it was great! We talked for over an hour purely about boys and stupid girls, it was a great conversation :D
We have Coke parties tonight for Rush and the dress code is our "Sunday finery". Pictures might be posted up here, they might not. Miss you mom and dad, try not to let Ellie have her way all the time, LOADS of love your way!
Today being Monday is just a day asking to be hated, especially since I was up in the wee hours of the wee hours of the morning (well, not too wee) doing pointless. BUT I don't think I've felt so rejuvenated and energized since I've been here. I think God had a lot to do with it, and a lot of my friends have positive influences on me it just rubbed off that way! Allllllll day I've had the energy of a 7 year old and I know I'm gonna crash tonight but it's whatever; I'm livin it up!
Talked to my sister today, haven't legitly talked to her on the phone since I left, and it was great! We talked for over an hour purely about boys and stupid girls, it was a great conversation :D
We have Coke parties tonight for Rush and the dress code is our "Sunday finery". Pictures might be posted up here, they might not. Miss you mom and dad, try not to let Ellie have her way all the time, LOADS of love your way!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sunday Afternooooon

my weekend has been one of the longest since I can remember and one that I will never forget. Rush skits started Friday night and they were the Swannanoa tribe and the Laguna tribe, and these skits were ballin! The Laguna skit made me reeeeeaaaaallly want to join Laguna's tribe... -sigh- but I don't know! Haha we had to dress up for each of these skits; the first one the dress code was masquerade ball attire and the second one was either out favorite plant or a school supply.
The next night were Nenamoosha's and Kissimee's tribe skits and those were both super cute :D Their dress code for the first skit was either your favorite super hero or a cat and the second one was a redneck.
How they came up with these ideas I don't really want to know, but whatever.
Saturday morning part of our Rush experience was to go out in Caden and Jackson and do service projects. This part alone made me super excited that I'm a part of a Christian school, for what other schools involve community service as part of Rush?? Anyway my group and a couple others went down to the ghetto part of Jackson, and it was rough. Nothing in my mind could have prepared me for what I was going to experience there, at all. We were led by 3 women who worked and lived down there who provided church services, food, clothes, and friendships with as much of the neighborhood as they could. We had projects to work on but out of the blue the main leader said, "You know what? I think the Lord wants us to go on a prayer walk today." So we did. We got in a huge circle and prayed first and I could feel Jesus there, like I haven't felt Him this real in a long time. We walked around almost the whole ghetto part passing caves, drug lord's houses, pimp's houses, abandoned houses, and waving to every single person we saw. In my right mind I would have been scared out of my wits and wanted to go home, but walking through those streets I never felt more protected. I could literally feel God all around us covering us in His glory and safety. We walked around for 3 hours and heat and we were all starving and none of us wanted to go home. But as 1230 rolled around we walked back to where our cars were parked and got a mini-sermon from a woman named Amy Lancaster. Amazing woman if I ever saw one and she gave us one of the greatest, most in-your-face messages I had heard in a long time. To be honest it was better than any church service I had been to all year. Me and a good number of other teens are gonna start going there on Sundays for their church services at 3pm just to help as much as we can and get involved with out community. And seeing things from their point of view really made me wonder about how I wear my Christianity. A lot of folks down there said they couldn't go to churches because they smelled bad or they got kicked out because they weren't dressed right. Do our churches really care that much about appearance? It was an intense morning that caused a lot of heartache and tears, but I am so ready to go back there and help =) and there's a website if you want to check it out it's wewillgo.org
Last night was our first MC football home game and as another part of Rush we were required to go to it as well as the tailgating party before. Don't get me wrong, it had fun parts but sitting out there in the heat with a mandatory requirement of your attendance and wearing the colors blue and gold didn't thrill me as much as it could.
This morning we went to First Baptist Church in Jackson again, I'm starting to like it more but I still feel at home and where I belong at Faith. Tonight I'm practicing piano, cleaning up the room with endless Clorox wipes and a vacuum and then working on some Music Tech homework (which I know I won't like doing.) Eating in the Caf later and then having another girls night with my awesome roommate and across-the-hall-mates. God really worked wonders on the rooming thing because me and my roommate have the same preferences and night-time routines, and my across-the-hall-mates are super nice and always wanting us to come in their room and hang out. I think the 6 of us are going to become really close over these next four years, and I can't wait =]]]
The next night were Nenamoosha's and Kissimee's tribe skits and those were both super cute :D Their dress code for the first skit was either your favorite super hero or a cat and the second one was a redneck.
How they came up with these ideas I don't really want to know, but whatever.
Saturday morning part of our Rush experience was to go out in Caden and Jackson and do service projects. This part alone made me super excited that I'm a part of a Christian school, for what other schools involve community service as part of Rush?? Anyway my group and a couple others went down to the ghetto part of Jackson, and it was rough. Nothing in my mind could have prepared me for what I was going to experience there, at all. We were led by 3 women who worked and lived down there who provided church services, food, clothes, and friendships with as much of the neighborhood as they could. We had projects to work on but out of the blue the main leader said, "You know what? I think the Lord wants us to go on a prayer walk today." So we did. We got in a huge circle and prayed first and I could feel Jesus there, like I haven't felt Him this real in a long time. We walked around almost the whole ghetto part passing caves, drug lord's houses, pimp's houses, abandoned houses, and waving to every single person we saw. In my right mind I would have been scared out of my wits and wanted to go home, but walking through those streets I never felt more protected. I could literally feel God all around us covering us in His glory and safety. We walked around for 3 hours and heat and we were all starving and none of us wanted to go home. But as 1230 rolled around we walked back to where our cars were parked and got a mini-sermon from a woman named Amy Lancaster. Amazing woman if I ever saw one and she gave us one of the greatest, most in-your-face messages I had heard in a long time. To be honest it was better than any church service I had been to all year. Me and a good number of other teens are gonna start going there on Sundays for their church services at 3pm just to help as much as we can and get involved with out community. And seeing things from their point of view really made me wonder about how I wear my Christianity. A lot of folks down there said they couldn't go to churches because they smelled bad or they got kicked out because they weren't dressed right. Do our churches really care that much about appearance? It was an intense morning that caused a lot of heartache and tears, but I am so ready to go back there and help =) and there's a website if you want to check it out it's wewillgo.org
Last night was our first MC football home game and as another part of Rush we were required to go to it as well as the tailgating party before. Don't get me wrong, it had fun parts but sitting out there in the heat with a mandatory requirement of your attendance and wearing the colors blue and gold didn't thrill me as much as it could.
This morning we went to First Baptist Church in Jackson again, I'm starting to like it more but I still feel at home and where I belong at Faith. Tonight I'm practicing piano, cleaning up the room with endless Clorox wipes and a vacuum and then working on some Music Tech homework (which I know I won't like doing.) Eating in the Caf later and then having another girls night with my awesome roommate and across-the-hall-mates. God really worked wonders on the rooming thing because me and my roommate have the same preferences and night-time routines, and my across-the-hall-mates are super nice and always wanting us to come in their room and hang out. I think the 6 of us are going to become really close over these next four years, and I can't wait =]]]
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
time can really escape fast...
wow, it's been about a week since I last wrote... let's change that :)
I got to go home on Friday after class, it was a HUGE relief because I was becoming oh so terribly homesick. Got to hang with (most) all of my family that night watching Camp Rock 2 (don't watch it, it's dumb) and eating to my heart and stomach's content with burritos =DD <-- and yes, my smiley face has double chins
Saturday I slept till noon, twas glorious yes it was, and around 4 I went to the one and only ERIN HATCHER'S house decked out in my only Arkansas Razorback football shirt because apparently there was a game on... psh. I had to fight Erin and Sarah away from my car so I could get out of my car safely but once I was all the way out I was tackled like a football player with hugs, nice fat hugs too. That's one of the many things I miss living down here in Mississippi: I know people and they know me but not to the point of where when they see me I get bombarded with hugs and sayings like, "Oh my word, I missed you! How are you? How has your week been so far?" Like, I mean I do get asked those questions every now and then from my roommates and across-the-hall mates, but not all in one sit down with an added hug.
Sunday I went to my awesome awesome church (Faith Baptist, check it out!) and got to see all my younger friends like Jon and Parker and Kaylor and Dex haha and I also remembered why I never sat between Dex and Kaylor during church... we were talking too much =p BUT one of the greatest highlights of being home was getting to show all my friends a certain picture of a certain someone... um ANYWAY
Another thing I really missed about living in Memphis was, here in MS I'm not really set apart as anybody. Nobody really knows me as Kendall Avery, the one and only Kendall Avery. I'm just a Music Ed freshman who's trying not to fall up the stairs (again) or leave my room key and ID in my dorm, and learn my music and please my teachers. Whereas back home, I'm recognized at church, at home, in friend's houses, and even at Sonic! It's a strange and different thing for me to start my identity out here from nothing... I've never really had to do that before growing up and living in Memphis my whole life.
Sunday afternoon I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and have discovered no one will ever take the places in my heart for Harrison Ford and Sean Connery (the ORIGINAL 007). Went to Leawood under certain persuasions by select people, hear a good message both Sunday services, went and got gas :-p and then went to Erin's house again for Wii bowling, Mac video watching and endless talking about boys.. as usual haha
Monday Erin, Sarah, and Jake came over to see me before I departed again and Jake brought a video he had been working on for forever. I started watching it and it was compiled of a lot of the important people in my life telling about their favorite memory with me; that brought tears to my eyes, but alas, those quickly vanished when I saw the video titled "Eye Candy" they had put on there
Rode the 4 hours back with my across-the-hall mate Meagan, and it was sooo much better than my ride home. Got me some hefty taco Bell for dinner, stayed up semi late cramming in homework that was due today and yeah bought a phone-charger from Wal-mart cause I left mine at home
Started up classes again today, easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Got to see all my new friends that I had been missin over the weekend and Rush stuff started up tonight. I'm not feeling called to be in a tribe (that's MC for sorority) but I am gonna Rush for all the fun stuff that comes with it :-) Got to look at my bank account and I almost fainted seeing how little I had left, so Mom and Dad and Mike if ya'll could put that money in there, that would be GREAT!
Tomorrow is my busy day, I'll have a free period from 11 to 12 where I get to switch out my books, practice for voice and Singers, clean up my room and eat lunch. Ohhhhhh how I've missed college life this weekend :-p
(Actually I didn't because I've lost 3 pounds form walking everywhere and up 5 flights of stairs multiple times a day but I gained it all back this weekend at home. So I guess losing weight is the only part about college I like so far? Yep.. that seems about right.)
Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, I'll be trying to update this more often, have great tomorrow!
-Kendall <3
I got to go home on Friday after class, it was a HUGE relief because I was becoming oh so terribly homesick. Got to hang with (most) all of my family that night watching Camp Rock 2 (don't watch it, it's dumb) and eating to my heart and stomach's content with burritos =DD <-- and yes, my smiley face has double chins
Saturday I slept till noon, twas glorious yes it was, and around 4 I went to the one and only ERIN HATCHER'S house decked out in my only Arkansas Razorback football shirt because apparently there was a game on... psh. I had to fight Erin and Sarah away from my car so I could get out of my car safely but once I was all the way out I was tackled like a football player with hugs, nice fat hugs too. That's one of the many things I miss living down here in Mississippi: I know people and they know me but not to the point of where when they see me I get bombarded with hugs and sayings like, "Oh my word, I missed you! How are you? How has your week been so far?" Like, I mean I do get asked those questions every now and then from my roommates and across-the-hall mates, but not all in one sit down with an added hug.
Sunday I went to my awesome awesome church (Faith Baptist, check it out!) and got to see all my younger friends like Jon and Parker and Kaylor and Dex haha and I also remembered why I never sat between Dex and Kaylor during church... we were talking too much =p BUT one of the greatest highlights of being home was getting to show all my friends a certain picture of a certain someone... um ANYWAY
Another thing I really missed about living in Memphis was, here in MS I'm not really set apart as anybody. Nobody really knows me as Kendall Avery, the one and only Kendall Avery. I'm just a Music Ed freshman who's trying not to fall up the stairs (again) or leave my room key and ID in my dorm, and learn my music and please my teachers. Whereas back home, I'm recognized at church, at home, in friend's houses, and even at Sonic! It's a strange and different thing for me to start my identity out here from nothing... I've never really had to do that before growing up and living in Memphis my whole life.
Sunday afternoon I watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and have discovered no one will ever take the places in my heart for Harrison Ford and Sean Connery (the ORIGINAL 007). Went to Leawood under certain persuasions by select people, hear a good message both Sunday services, went and got gas :-p and then went to Erin's house again for Wii bowling, Mac video watching and endless talking about boys.. as usual haha
Monday Erin, Sarah, and Jake came over to see me before I departed again and Jake brought a video he had been working on for forever. I started watching it and it was compiled of a lot of the important people in my life telling about their favorite memory with me; that brought tears to my eyes, but alas, those quickly vanished when I saw the video titled "Eye Candy" they had put on there
Rode the 4 hours back with my across-the-hall mate Meagan, and it was sooo much better than my ride home. Got me some hefty taco Bell for dinner, stayed up semi late cramming in homework that was due today and yeah bought a phone-charger from Wal-mart cause I left mine at home
Started up classes again today, easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. Got to see all my new friends that I had been missin over the weekend and Rush stuff started up tonight. I'm not feeling called to be in a tribe (that's MC for sorority) but I am gonna Rush for all the fun stuff that comes with it :-) Got to look at my bank account and I almost fainted seeing how little I had left, so Mom and Dad and Mike if ya'll could put that money in there, that would be GREAT!
Tomorrow is my busy day, I'll have a free period from 11 to 12 where I get to switch out my books, practice for voice and Singers, clean up my room and eat lunch. Ohhhhhh how I've missed college life this weekend :-p
(Actually I didn't because I've lost 3 pounds form walking everywhere and up 5 flights of stairs multiple times a day but I gained it all back this weekend at home. So I guess losing weight is the only part about college I like so far? Yep.. that seems about right.)
Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, I'll be trying to update this more often, have great tomorrow!
-Kendall <3
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
If I Die Young..
6:30 - get up, take a shower, get ready
7:15 - breakfast with the roomie in a busy caf
8:00 - diction class with almost every music major
9:00 - theory class, for apparently the smarter theory people
10:00 - old testament, where I gotta play music in my head or think alot or write to keep myself awake
11:00 - BREAK.. and I ate lunch, went back to the dorm, changed out my books, took a 20 min nap and walked briskly to class
12:00 - singers, where we rearranged our seating... with My Country Tis of Thee the WHOLE time
1:00 - first voice lesson, hooray for being a first soprano =ppp
1:30 - music tech class where we're talked to as if we have never used computers before.. I now know where the Safari icon is located and that it connects me to the world wide web. stupid dumb
3:00 - went to jazzman's to get a delicious mango smoothie and knock out some homework
4:00 - went to a practice room for singing and talking to erin and sarah :))
5:45 - dinner in the caf with mah across-the-hall-mates
6:30 - left for FBC Jackson
8:00 - went up to my room and haven't gone anywhere but the 5th floor since
9:00 - merged into laurie's room with kristen for some hardcore skip-bo
11:17 - decided after some intense and retarded games of skip-bo that I needed to update the world on my life
so here =)
6:30 - get up, take a shower, get ready
7:15 - breakfast with the roomie in a busy caf
8:00 - diction class with almost every music major
9:00 - theory class, for apparently the smarter theory people
10:00 - old testament, where I gotta play music in my head or think alot or write to keep myself awake
11:00 - BREAK.. and I ate lunch, went back to the dorm, changed out my books, took a 20 min nap and walked briskly to class
12:00 - singers, where we rearranged our seating... with My Country Tis of Thee the WHOLE time
1:00 - first voice lesson, hooray for being a first soprano =ppp
1:30 - music tech class where we're talked to as if we have never used computers before.. I now know where the Safari icon is located and that it connects me to the world wide web. stupid dumb
3:00 - went to jazzman's to get a delicious mango smoothie and knock out some homework
4:00 - went to a practice room for singing and talking to erin and sarah :))
5:45 - dinner in the caf with mah across-the-hall-mates
6:30 - left for FBC Jackson
8:00 - went up to my room and haven't gone anywhere but the 5th floor since
9:00 - merged into laurie's room with kristen for some hardcore skip-bo
11:17 - decided after some intense and retarded games of skip-bo that I needed to update the world on my life
so here =)
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